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Peggy Reyes

Festival Director

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Gayla Prewitt
Festival Communications

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Our objective as a festival is to cultivate a culture of creative Christians in the entertainment industry who have a desire to tell story from their world point of view.

To assist in educating them to a level of professionalism that fosters the possibility of becoming a published professional.


We do this by allowing time and space for entry level independents to walk among trained professionals that they can learn from. We also provide opportunity for seasoned professionals to find "next generation filmmakers" that they can mentor and assist in their development. 

You can become part of the process by joining us at the festival, watching the films, and filling out the rating cards to let the filmmakers know how their audience rates their show.

As the director of the festival, I look forward to hearing from you on how we can serve you while at the event. Please feel free to email me with any comments or questions : email

While we cultivate the culture of creative Christians in the entertainment industry at festival, it's important to have clear and concise communications with everyone before and after. 


I am here to serve you on a professional level by communicating with you through our newsletter and email system. We are working on some innovative designs for communicating digitally that helps high-light creators and their content and how they are growing in the industry.

Please let me know what you like about the newsletter and how we can improve on communications with you before and after the festival by emailing me today! EMAIL

I look forward to meeting you face to face at the festival.

Deborah Watson



It is an honor for our team to serve you as filmmakers. Your gift for telling story through media is evident.


As we all know, it takes a dedicated team to achieve the goals of getting your story produced and ready for market.  We understand our role in helping you achieve that goal.


The market is changing with a large number of streams for content. We have partnered with SaltFlix, a unique stream in that they are looking for content on an international level. Their distribution model is different than others and is willing to discuss that with filmmakers. Please reach out to them today and explore the possibilities. SALTFLIX

While I work with our team behind the scenes at festival, I would still like to meet you while you're our guest. Don't hesitate to ask Gayla or Peggy to let me know you're there.

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