“A great eagle with large wings and long pinions, full of feathers of various colors, came to Lebanon and took from the cedar the highest branch.
He cropped off its topmost young twig And carried it to a land of trade;
He set it in a city of merchants. Then he took some of the seed of the land
and planted it in a fertile field;
He placed it by abundant waters and set it like a willow tree.
And it grew and became a spreading vine of low stature; Its branches turned toward him, but its roots were under it.
So it became a vine, brought forth branches, and put forth shoots.
Ezekiel 17:3-6
Poslední 2 roky jsme jako naši virtuální platformu používali zoom. Zatímco 2D platforma během pandemie fungovala, 3D a 5D postupují. Chceme poskytnout co nejlepší zážitek a upravili jsme naši akci tak, aby byla hybridem všech tří úrovní zážitků.
Vaše roční vstupenka vám umožní přístup na další festivaly a akce pořádané v Omni Event Center, nebo si můžete jednoduše zakoupit vstupenku pouze na náš festival.
Součástí bude také kancelářský komplex Eaglesnest, který vám umožní přístup ke společnostem a službám, které se týkají filmového průmyslu. To vám také poskytne příležitost mít svůj vlastní virtuální kancelářský prostor.
Roční virtuální vstupenka vám poskytne přístup k učení a růstu v tématech Příběh, Financování, Výroba a Distribuce.
*Upozorňujeme, že někteří řečníci mohou mít za kurz malý poplatek.
Your Personal Cinema
Other stages available to you
Rezervujte si své virtuální místo
Hold private conference meetings with your team
Brainstorm with your leadership team
Receptionist and Scheduler included
Design your own personal office space or select from our preset ones
Basic Services
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1 office- preset in traditional, modern or futuristic design. First floor (Office NFTs available from developers for additional fee)
Access to ground floor commons area
$29.99 (monthly)
$300.00 (annual)
VIP Services
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1 office- preset from basic service (located on 2nd or 3rd floor)
1 Virtual receptionist/manager/modified accounting (top sheet prep)
Access to conference room
Access to private 4 person room
Access to all stages
Access to cinema
Access to rooftop cafe for gala events
$139.00 (monthly)
$1,300.00 (annual)
Mid-level Services
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1 office space (presets from basic service located second floor)
Access to AI receptionist/Office Manager to schedule appointments, collect data, process information
$59.99 (monthly)
$610.00 (annual)
Custom Services
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Access to common ground
Ability to schedule appointment with needed service provider, including but not limited to, script writing services, story analysis, business advisor, financial advisor, production processing, top sheet creation, payroll assistance, graphic design, music score, animation, etc. (additional fee may apply)
$9.99 (monthly)
$100.00 (annual)
Full Services
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1 office- preset from basic service (located on 2nd or 3rd floor)
1 AI receptionist/manager
Access to conference room
Access to private 4 person room
Access to all stages (up to 3rd floor)
$79.99 ( monthly)
$900.00 (annual)