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Writing Lab 301
الاثنين، 10 يونيو
|Spatial - Avatar Required
Imagine getting a call from the production company that your story is under consideration to be optioned. Do you know what that means? Do you know if your script is ready? Let Jaclyn show you the steps.
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الوقت والموقع
10 يونيو 2024، 11:00 ص – 12:00 م
Spatial - Avatar Required
نبذة عن الحدث
Without feedback and coaching, your scripts will only go so far. Refine your writing with Jaclyn from Family Friendly Screenwriting Association (FFSA) and be amazed to see your screenplays get more attention from contests, festivals, and producers.
Writing Lab 301
Access to training and connection with instructor beyond the class time
١٩٫٩٩ US$انتهى البيع
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