The Actors Voice
We are thrilled to bring back The Actors Voice for a second year at the Branson International Film
Festival. Please read through all of the guidelines as some things have changed to make
it an optimal experience for everyone.
• Submit a 1 to 2 minute monologue emote(emotion) demo tape.
• Please have examples of your acting skills showing 3 of any of these
emotes (emotions): Fear, Frustration, Inadequacy, Guilt, Jealousy, Sadness,
Love, Joy, Hope, Happiness
• Use this time to 1) Introduce yourself, 2) Tell us why you want to be an
actor/actress 3) performance of the three emotes (emotions)
Please upload demo tape to you-tube as unlisted, or vimeo no password,
and submit link with resume, head-shot, and one page of images that
include 1 full body image and 3 different facial expressions to DIRECTOR
Please label your video as "last name, first name, underscore ActorsVoice23"
Submissions sent in after the deadline will be discarded.
DEADLINE - MAY 1st, 2023
*Will be selected by CASTING DIRECTORS participating in the 48 hour Film Festival.
*Will be required to be on set as directed by your Director
*Will have full access to other festival events once your shoot is complete.
*Will have access to final work to use for your demo reels.
RUNNER-UP WINNERS- Special event options will be made available for you at the festival to help you network with producers and directors.
Have your head-shot and resume ready!
Questions? Please email us by clicking here - ACTOR'S VOICE
We are excited to begin accepting emote demos for Season 2 of The Actors Voice.

1. يجب أن تكون المونولوجات من 30 إلى 60 ثانية وألا تحتوي على ألفاظ نابية أو مهينة.
2. لا حاجة إلى الأزياء. يجب أن تكون ملابس الاختبار متواضعة واحترافية وخلاقة .
3. إذا تم تحديده ، يجب أن يكون متاحًا للتمرن من الساعة 8 صباحًا حتى 5 مساءً يوم الجمعة 22 أبريل ، وأداء العرض مع الفريق يوم السبت 23 أبريل بين 2:30 مساءً - 3:00 مساءً.
4. يجب أن يكون القاصرون الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 12 و 17 عامًا برفقة وصي قانوني.
5. يجب تقديم رسوم التقديم والقبول ( 50 دولارًا أمريكيًا تغطي تكلفة حضور المتقدم للمهرجان ) بحلول 15 أبريل لإضافتها إلى قائمة الاختبارات. (سيتم إجراء الاختبارات بترتيب استلامها. هناك مساحة لـ 80 مشاركًا فقط. أرسل في أقرب وقت ممكن)
6. يجب إكمال التنازل عن المسؤولية في وقت تقديم الطلب. بسبب امتثال covid ، يمكنك ارتداء قناع للاختبار. ستكون في مساحة آمنة للاختبار نفسه وقادرًا على إزالة القناع من أجل المونولوج. يوصى باستخدام الأقنعة ولكنها غير مطلوبة.

2022 Top Actor- Lance Brown

Team Jonna - Audience Choice
An elderly descendant, who holds the relics of the martyred St. Maurice, conscripts his estranged grandson to preserve their faithful Christian lineage and ancestral bond with their spiritual protectors —the martyred Roman Legion.
Pictured left to right
Bob and Kim Wells (author) Jonna Volz, Anita Cordell, Vincent Edgmon, Karsyn Elizabeth.
Team Shannon Wendt
After he is shot, a drug dealer is reunited with a high school friend who tries to help him have a better life, but first they must both battle the seen and unseen forces swirling around them.
Pictured left to right
Lance Brown, Shannon Wendt, Dale Green, Michelle King, Paul Huber, Tracie Dominquez.

Team Tina Gallo
David’s Star is a delightful story of an inexplicable space phenomenon juxtaposed against the special relationship of 10-year-old David Jenkins and his pawpaw.
Pictured left to right
Ova Jean Siemens, Becky Bartlett, Stephen Burnett,Tina Gallo, Kaitlyn Trentham.