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Congratulations season 8- 2024

This is story of Last Supper of Jesus This is not a bread this is your body broke for us and this is not a wine it was your blood shade for us

There is a new sound in town y'all !! It's the sound of Penguin Praise from the Antarctic!!! Join the Emperor Penguin trio Blair, Bradley and Kingsley as they give Jesus waddles of Praise! It's all about Praising the King of Kings the penguin way!

Growing up in an orphanage, eight-year-old Maddox's sole wish is to be adopted. Thinking God sent him a sign that it would come true, he begins to notice that his wishes for others are granted, but his wish for himself is left unanswered.

This is story of Last Supper of Jesus This is not a bread this is your body broke for us and this is not a wine it was your blood shade for us