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8AM - PST     9AM - MNT     10AM - CST     11AM - EST     4PM - LONDON     5PM - PARIS     6PM - ATHENS     8PM - NEW DELHI          11PM - MANILA

Student-Children - Youth      - Spatial Theater 2

Access granted to all festival pass holders

Private Individual tickets available for sale. 100% of sales goes to content creators' festival account. Please arrive 5 minutes before showtime. 15 minute Q&A time with creator available after the showing.

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Friday June 7th, 2024 - STUDENT FILMS               

Իմացեք ավելին ֆիլմերի մասին այստեղ

Runtime 10 minutes

A Muncie woman uses art as a healing agent to help herself and others.

Q&A Time - 11:10AM-11:25AM


Runtime 9 min 19 seconds

An anesthesiologist leaves the comfort of life in the U.S. to serve the Pakistani people for over 30 years.

Q&A Time - 11:40AM -11:55AM


Runtime 10mins

Max Ramsey, an advocate for those experiencing poverty, uses what he has gone through to serve the impoverished community of Milwaukee despite internal struggles and disapproval from the city.

Q&A Time  - 12:15PM - 12:30PM




Friday June 7th, 2024 - CHILDREN FILMS        


Runtime 3 minutes 44 seconds

Pigasus is a coming of age adventure story about a unique little pig prophesied to confront the evil Rathvar in the great battle for evermore. But, Pigasus must first find the faith to believe in the loving light of the Presence or the blackness of the darkness will forever rule over what was once Elysium.
A heart-warming story of faith, hope, love & family set in the valley, at the base of the ancient volcano Shasta, home of the Bennett family. It’s said the mighty Pegasus, magical Unicorn & beautiful Unisus, will upon the rise of the full Blue Moon return to Shasta valley, once their home.
Pigasus is about knowing your faults, facing your fears, rising above it all to realize our true power is faith, hope, love, family, forgiveness and learning to live in the loving light that is the wondrous Presence of God.

Q&A Time - 1:05PM -1:20PM


Runtime  46min 

Growing up in an orphanage, eight-year-old Maddox's sole wish is to be adopted. Thinking God sent him a sign that it would come true, he begins to notice that his wishes for others are granted, but his wish for himself is left unanswered. Frustrated with God, and conflicted with the purpose of his powers, Maddox is left to decide whether to help those he encounters or to selfishly withhold his ability out of contempt for not getting what he thinks he deserves.

Q&A Time - 2:20PM -2:35PM


Runtime 2mins 38 seconds

There is a new sound in town y'all !! It's the sound of Penguin Praise from the Antarctic!!!

Join the Emperor Penguin trio Blair, Bradley and Kingsley as they give Jesus waddles of Praise! It's all about Praising the King of Kings the penguin way!

Tuxedo Praise is a catchy tune that kids and adults alike will enjoy!
I came up with the catch phrase "Tuxedo Praise" simply because I just love how the emperor Penguin look like they are wearing a Tuxedo!

Psalm 149:1-3 (Paraphrased)
Praise the Lord!
Sing a Penguin song to the Lord.
Let the Penguins be happy because of God, their Maker.
Let the Penguins of the earth rejoice because of their King.
Every Penguin should praise him with dancing in the snow!

Director Biography - Nongolo Muteto

Q&A Time  - 2:50PM - 3:05PM


Friday June 7th, 2024 - YOUTH FILMS        


Runtime 7 minutes 23 seconds

The adaptation of a fictitious children's picture book about a possum and a boy's shared fate and pathways.

Q&A Time - 1:05PM -1:20PM

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